A speed limiter offers numerous advantages, whether you own a single vehicle or a fleet of hundreds. Speed limiters quickly prove their worth. In this article, we explain why and shed light on different types of speed limiters.
How Does a Speed Limiter Work?
A speed limiter is a system that restricts a vehicle’s maximum speed, ensuring the driver cannot exceed the set speed limit. We can distinguish between permanent and variable speed limiters.
Permanent or Variable Speed Limiter
With permanent speed limiters, the maximum speed is programmed during installation and cannot be altered by the driver. It can be set between 35 and 180 km/h or with the special low speed limiter between 5 and 55 km/h. On the other hand, variable speed limiters allow the driver to activate and deactivate them as needed, setting speeds between 35 km/h and the maximum restricted speed.
Operating a Variable Speed Limiter
To use variable speed limiters, a control module is placed on the steering column, allowing the driver to adjust the maximum speed as desired. The operation is straightforward: flicking the lever up or down changes the speed by one kilometer or miles per hour, while holding the lever briefly alters the speed by ten kilometers / miles per hour. If you wish to utilize both the variable and permanent limiters, it’s possible. ZEMCO speed limiters provide the option to use both types simultaneously.
A Speed Limiter Saves Fuel
Speed limiters can save you money and help you achieve your CO2 footprint objectives. When combined with a RPM limiter and an acceleration limiter, they can lead to fuel savings of up to 15%. This translates to hundreds of euros/dollars in fuel savings per vehicle per year. Simultaneously, you reduce your CO2 emissions and contribute to a greener environment.
Avoid Speeding Tickets
Receiving a speeding ticket is never pleasant, especially in a company vehicle. Speed limiters reduce the likelihood of speeding violations by you or your colleagues. They also make it much easier to practice eco-friendly driving habits.

Why Zemco?
High-end products
All the products are manufactured in a facility with the highest quality standards and with approvals equivalent to the highest standards in the automotive industry
The products are easy to install because we have specific installation manuals for more than 1600 vehicle models and the plug&play harnesses for the throttle
For professionals and consumers
Interesting for professionals to sell and install, the best aftermarket cruise control available for the consumer
Easy to retrofit
Due to the easy to contact technical department and R&D department of Zemco and the specific installation manuals everything is there for an smooth installation
Suitable for practically all modern vehicles
We have for more then 1600 vehicle models the required technical data available in the form of specific manuals, connections and CAN-data

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